“We should be talking about revolution and liberation or nothing. We have to get capitalism out of Christianity. It’s not enough to hope that maybe one day, the most powerful nation on Earth and its most bigoted citizens will just decide to be friendly to those facing oppression, like LGBTQ+ people, PoC, sex workers, the homeless, the incarcerated, etc. Jesus didn’t want us to get into a comfortable speaking circuit and then live in a mansion, patting ourselves for having the right ideas and correct theological takes. Jesus wanted us to riot.”


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Thanks for the introductions (and reintroductions) to these works. And my book budget hates you for it.

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Oh, I got so excited about the call to revolution that I missed the question: “What other progressive Christian books have made a massive difference in your life?”

David Bentley Hart isn’t someone I could easily call a “progressive,” but he is very good at talking up the socialist elements of Jesus’s teaching, and the radicalness of the message of That All Shall Be Saved really stuck with me.

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